Political Scientist
Historical Database on Maternity Leave (HDML)
Coverage: 160 states from 1883 until 2018
Programs: (un)paid maternity leave, social assistance benefits for mothers with newborns
Main variables: leave benefit (in replacement rate), (un)paid leave length (in weeks), legal coverage (e.g., employment sectors), eligibility criteria (e.g., contribution period), and financing of benefit (e.g., social insurance or employer-liability)
Codebook: Son, Keonhi., Böger, Tobias., Tonelli, Simone., Buhr, Petra., Drobnič, Sonja. & Huinink, Johannes. (2020). Codebook of Historical Database on Maternity Leave (HDML), SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series/2/2020, Bremen, Germany: SFB 1342, available at: http://doi.org/10.26092/elib/2110.
Status: consolidated and prepared to be public in 2024
Historical Database on Paternity and Parental Leave (HDPPL)
Coverage: 120 non-European countries from 1952 until 2018
Programs: (un)paid parental and paternity leave
Main variables: leave benefit (in replacement rate), (un)paid leave length (in weeks), the length of (un)paid leave for father, legal coverage (e.g., employment sectors), eligibility criteria (e.g., contribution period), and financing of benefit (e.g., social insurance or employer-liability)
Status: under preparation (expected to be consolidated in 2024)